Mortgage document checklist
Below you’ll see a checklist, this checklist contains everything you will need to provide when applying for your mortgage.
- ID: Passport/ Drivers License (Front & Back).
- Proof of Address: Drivers License; if not already used for ID & Utility Bill (EG, Electric, Gas etc).
- EMPLOYED: 3 Months Payslips OR 14 weeks, if paid weekly. (Must be most recent 3 months/ 14 weeks).
- P60 (Most recent year).
- SELF EMPLOYED: 3 years SA302's. Tax year overviews ate a separate document from the SA302. SA302's must be submitted and 100% complete.
- 3 Months Bank Statements: For each live account held & must show name, address, sort code & account number.
- Proof of Deposit: Must show build up of savings over the last 3 months & If gifted will need a gifted deposit letter.
- Loan/ Hire Purchase Agreement
- Credit Report: Click here for the link
- Marriage Certificate (If name has changed in the last 5 years).